Elite Champions – Past and Present
Sunbury Weight Training Club has established a reputation in the world of drug free powerlifting for producing elite
lifters. Over the past eight years, lifters from the club have attained twelve national titles, six European titles, two World titles and broken six world records across three different lifting federations. The ages of our competitive lifters range from Juniors through to Masters. We currently have two current BDFPA British Champions due to compete for a world title in Malta in June and one IDFPA European Champion due to compete in the USA in October. The increased success of SWTC can be attributed to the advice and coaching provided by some of the long standing members. One of our members managed and competed with the Irish National Powerlifting team for three years in the Four Nations cup.
Current Members
Andy Murtagh
Andy has National, European and World records in three different weight classes across four different drug free powerlifting federations as well as the international All-round weightlifting association.
Irish Drug Free Powerlifting Association (IDFPA)
- 2 x Open National Full Power Champion u90kg
- 2 x Best overall National Deadlifter all classes
- 3 x Open and Masters National Deadlift Champion u90kg class
- 1 x Open and Masters National Deadlift Champion u100kg class
- Deadlift National record holder Masters u90kg class
- Squat National record holder Masters u90kg class
- Full Power total National record holder Masters u90kg class
- Full Power total National record holder Masters u100kg class
World Drug Free Powerlifing Federation
- 2 x Open World Deadlift Champion u90kg class
- 2 x Open European Deadlift Champion u90kg class
- Open European Deadlift Champion equipped u90kg class
- European Deadlift Champion Masters u90kg class
- Deadlift European and World record holder Masters u100kg class
100% RAW Powerliftng Federation
- Squat European and World record holder Masters u90kg class
- Full Power total European and World record holder Masters u90kg class
- Deadlift European World record holder Masters u90kg class
- Full Power total European and World record holder Masters u100kg class
- Deadlift European and World record holder Masters u 100kg class
- Open Full Power European Champion
- Best overall lifter all classes European Championship
- Best Deadlifter all classes European Championship
World Powerlifting federation
- Deadlift European and World record holder Masters u95kg class
International All-Rround Weightlifting Association
- Open World Deadlift record u95kg class
- Open World record 2H seated dumbell press u95kg class
- Open World record power row u95kg class
- Open World record bent arm pullover u95kg class
- Masters world record 2h Barbell snatch 2″ bar u95kg class
- Masters world record barbell snatch from hang u95kg class
- Masters world record abdominal raise u95kg class
- Masters world record front squat u95kg class
- Masters world record barbell cheat curl u90kg class
- Masters world record 2h Barbell clean and press u90kg class
- Masters world record bench press alternative grip u90kg class
- Masters world record RH vertical 2″ bar lift u90kg class
Jacek Szast
- 2018 Gold – British Champion in squats – BDFPA u100kg
- 2018 Bronze – World championships in squats – WDFPF u100kg
- 2018 Gold – European Champion in squat – WDFPF u100kg
Past MembersDean Mikosz
Titles Held
- 3 x World Powerlifting Titles
- 3 x European Powerlifting Titles
- 8 x British Powerlifting Titles
- 9 x World Single Lift Titles
- 7 x European Single Lift Titles
- 12 x British Single Lift Titless
Records Held
- 12 x British Junior Records
- 1 x Senior British Record
- 1 x Senior European Record
- 1 x Senior World Record
Stephen Anglo (Bodybuilder)
Titles Held
- BNBF Junior British runner up 2012
- BNBF Junior Northern Champion 2012
- BNBF Teenage British Champion 2009
Records Held
- B.D.F.P.A British record- 150kg bench press 17-18 year old category (2008)